1.         Purpose


The Council has been involved and will continue to be involved in major commercial, regeneration and infrastructure projects across the city; projects that are key to the city’s future success and prosperity. These projects have to date been overseen by ad hoc project boards with mixed member/officer representation.


The purpose of the Strategic Delivery Board (‘the Board’) is to enable a more coordinated approach to the management and delivery of major projects. It will provide the strategic overview of major projects and provide a mechanism for focused and systematic member input to ensure maximum efficiency and accountability. It will report to the Policy, Resources and Growth Committee, the Economic Development & Culture Committee or other Committees as necessary.


2.         Status


The Board shall be an advisory board to the Policy, Resources and Growth Committee and the Economic Development & Culture Committee. The Board will not have subcommittee status and the political balance rules in section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will not apply. However, it is expected that the Board will be established on a cross party basis.


3.         Areas of focus


•      To consider the progress of major projects undertaken by the Council and advise the Policy, Resources and Growth Committee, other Committees or officers as appropriate

•      To review major projects having regard to capacity to deliver, corporate priorities and resources and advise the Policy, Resources and Growth Committee or other Committee as appropriate

•      In exceptional cases, to establish or recommend the establishment of a project- specific Board to oversee a particular major project where this is considered necessary due to capacity, complexity of the issues or other reasons.


4.         Definition of Major Projects


For the purposes of the Board, major projects fall into one of two categories.


(a)       Those that involve the council either as the deliverer, a direct procurer or a facilitator of the provision of a major capital asset and / or regeneration of a site or area; or


(b)       Those not directly involving the council as landowner but which are of strategic significance to the city, such as the regeneration of a non-council owned site or the provision of major infrastructure works.


5.         Reporting



The Board will report to the Policy, Resources and Growth Committee, the Economic Development & Culture Committee or other relevant Committee, with recommendations as necessary.


 6.        Membership


Membership of the Board shall consist of 5 elected Members, following nominations by their Group Leaders to reflect the political composition of the Council.


No Member may serve on the Board, whether as a substantive or substitute member, unless they have undergone the required training for Board members providing that training may be provided after Members are appointed and before they take their role.


7.         Meetings and ways of working


The timing and number of meetings will be dictated by the volume of business for the Board.


The Board will agree ways of working appropriate to the role and remit of the Board.


8.         Review


These terms of reference may be reviewed and amended by the Policy & Resources Committee from time to time.